FBLA growing and glowing at SHS

For 33 years Stroudsburg High School has supported the Future Business Leaders of America student organization, otherwise known as FBLA. Ever since the club was started back in 1984, student involvement has increased dramatically from about 20 to 200 members.
In recent years, SHSai??i??s FBLA club has earned the proud award of Outstanding Chapter for earning many points from its members inputting volunteer hours in the Big 33 goal and participating further within the club. Last summer Stroudsburg FBLA brought 11 kids to the Ai??National Leadership Conference that took place in Anaheim California. The club also has two representatives in the regional officer team.
As a national organization, in both the high school and college division, FBLAai??i??s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. These programs include competitive events, workshops, volunteer opportunities, conferences, etc.
The best part of FBLA is ai???giving all students the opportunity to succeed in what they do best since FBLA offers so many different competitive events, community service and other events,ai??? said adviser Ms. Kathy Sickler.
The first meeting this year was a huge success. With both students from the high school and junior high attending. Ai??Newcomers are welcome. Students interested in joining FBLA, can either print and fill out the attached form, Ai??or see Ms. Sickler for a form in room G107 at the high school and Mrs. Haggerty in room F714 at the junior high. The next meeting is October 11. It will run from approximately 2:40 to 3:30.

In order to compete in the competitive events, the form and the $15 fee must be turned in by the end of October.
Those who are in the high school can report to the cafeteria immediately after the end of 9th period. Students in the junior high school can see adviser Mrs. Jodi Haggerty for an Activity Bus pass. Then, after school, they catch a trip to the high school on one the activity buses.
If students have questions they can email either Ms. Sickler at [email protected] or Ms. Haggerty at [email protected]. They can also visit pafbla.org where the competitive events are listed along with a tentative events calendar.