Student Spotlight on Samantha Fleitman

What motivates you to come to school?

The knowledge that I will leave at 2:20.

What is something that most people may not know about you?

I used to run a really cringey beauty account in Instagram, don’t look it up, she’s been gone sis.

Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money?

 AWSOM because they take in stray, innocent animals off the street, help them, and give them homes. I volunteer at their adoptions and I think that they need as much help as they can get.

What is your life motto?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

What is ya fav vine?

“Would you like a…” *internally* oh no, if I say Rice Krispies treats out loud, everyone will know I have a lisp “…blue bar?”

What are your opinions on today’s trends, and your favorite one?

Scrunchies. They are a gift from the gods. They are soft, stretchy, and collectible. God bless.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to attend Stony Brook University and enroll in their program for orthodontics and pediatric dentistry, and see where it takes me. I want to give people a smile they love and feel confident expressing their happiness with straight teeth. I want to pursue this because I have had crooked, awkward teeth all my life and I was only able to get braces within the last few months. I want to save other people from that embarrassment.

What qualities do you value in people who you spend time with?

I value trust and I value knowing that you will be a loyal friend to me. The people I hang out with have to be kind and we have to be able to make each other mutually happy.

Is water wet?


What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Not to FLEX, but I really like my eyes because they are different shades of blue and they look really pretty in the sun.

What’s your favorite joke?

My life.

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