National Breast Cancer Awareness Month recognized throughout October

SHS teams show their support in a variety of ways

Stroudsburg Field Hockey team wears Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets for the month of October.

Sophie Howard, Staff Writer

Each year in the United States about 266,000 patients are diagnosed with breast cancer.  The month of October is designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which dates back to October, 1985.

Breast cancer is a disease that can happen to men and women where cells in the breast grow out of control. There are many types of breast cancer which all fall under the category of breast cancer awareness month. 

People, sports teams, school districts, and and even towns have been wearing pink to support women’s and men’s breast cancer awareness month.  During this month, women are encouraged to schedule a mammogram to make sure they are healthy. 

Stroudsburg sports have been showing their support for breast cancer awareness by incorporating the color pink in with their uniforms during games. Football, cheer, field hockey, and many other sports around Stroudsburg have been wearing pink.

Field hockey players have been wearing a pink ribbon in their hair and also wearing “Get your pink on” bracelets around school and in games.

Get your pink on and bring awareness to breast cancer awareness month!