Stroudsburg Junior High School students experience Model Congress

SHS Model Congress allows students to get a taste of “real-life” politics

Photo taken by Model Congress. Students from the Junior High attend conference at the High School

Kaylee Villanueva Santos, Staff Writer

On November 6 and 7, the Stroudsburg Junior High eighth and ninth grade students had the opportunity to experience Model Congress.  The event was held at Stroudsburg High School. Members of the SHS Model Congress Club acted as chairs of different committees.

Members meet every other Wednesday from 2:30 until necessary- usually 45 minutes to discuss real world issues. Students sign up to different committees based on interest where they will create laws to address different problems. 

The committees included: House Committee on Homeland Security, Judiciary Committee, Alternate History, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Presidential Cabinet, Environment and Public Works, and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Each committee is responsible for modeling some of the specific responsibilities of Congress.

Committees such as Homeland Security specialize in giving students the opportunity to discuss legislation relating to immigration and our borders. Whereas other committees such as the Alternative History gives students an opportunity to reenact landmark historical events. Regardless of the committee, all students in Model congress have chance to engage in the real life decision making process that allows our government to shape our lives. 

Model Congress is an club where students have the opportunity to roleplay as lawmakers. Members learn how to veto bills, create amendments, and work as members of congress.

“Conference trips are definitely the highlight,” said Mr. Thomas Kurnas, Model Congress adviser. “Each year, the group attends three conferences: at Harvard in Boston, Rutgers in Rutgers New Jersey, and Columbia in New York. Members get to stay in a hotel for four days in the city where they will meet with other students from around the country.”

Conference trips provide SHS students with opportunities to discuss legislation with students from across the nation, and sometimes even across the world.

“Model Congress requires students to deal with real world issues, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others to produce a result,” said Kurnas.

For more information check out the following links:

Model Congress the Perfect Extracurricular for the Aspiring US Senator

Model Congress Holds Two-day event at SHS 2016