Student Spotlight on Jessica Brady

Cami Trauschke, Staff Writer

What activities or hobbies do you enjoy outside of school? 

Outside of school, I love spending time with my friends, blasting Taylor Swift, and being an active volunteer with the Monroe County Democratic Committee!

What is something that most people may not know about you?

I can name all 46 US Presidents in order from memory.

What is your greatest strength?

I believe that my greatest strength is my ability to empathize with other people and the situations they may be going through.

When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about? 

I definitely think my children will want to know about what it was like to go through High School during the height of COVID. It’s not something you can really ever wrap your head around unless you’ve lived through it.

What social stigma does society need to get over?

I believe that we need to overcome the stigma that surrounds mental illness and seeking treatment. Taking care of your mental health shouldn’t be viewed or talked about any differently than taking care of your physical health is. More people struggle than you might think.

What’s something people don’t worry about but really should? 

People should care so much more about voting and elections! You can’t complain about the way things are if you don’t go and vote! Federal officials are important, but it’s the state and local officials whose decisions will really impact your daily life! Get out and vote in the Municipal Primary this May 16th! You have until May 1st to register!

How do you judge a person?

I judge a person based on how they act when no one else is paying attention. It’s one thing to be a good person when all eyes are on you- it’s another thing to be one when no one is watching.

Which countries/places would you like to visit?

I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Amsterdam. I was obsessed with The Fault in Our Stars in Middle School, and have absolutely been in love with the city and its art and beauty ever since. It seems like such a calming place to be!

What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

It was definitely receiving the Community Impact Award from the Pocono Mountain’s United Way this past October. I was awarded alongside local politicians, philanthropists, and business owners. It is truly an honor I will never forget.