Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Advisers: Mrs. Kathy Sickler, Mr. Kenneth Sickler, Mr. Brandon Kalmowitz and Mrs. Jodie Haggerty


President: Jessikah Pyett

Vice President: Alexa Vaghenas

Treasurer: Raiven Logan

Secretary: Julian Brown

Historian: Charlie Cimino

Parliamentarian: Stefi Luna

FBLA is the largest and oldest business student organization in the world. The purpose of FBLA is to prepare members for careers in business and/or business-related occupations and to assist them by becoming better employees and citizens. FBLA helps students develop leadership abilities and promotes civic and personal responsibilities. Sign up for FBLA through November 15 each school year.

There are many benefits to joining FBLA:
Students develop leadership skills
Students practice business scenarios through regional, state and national competition
FBLA is recognized on student portfolios for college enrollment
Students make new friendships through club activities
Students experience intrinsic rewardsAi??by volunteeringAi??time to nonprofit organizations
Stroudsburg High School’s FBLA chapter meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of every month after school in the high school cafeteria.Ai?? The meetings offer an opportunity to inform students of the FBLA events and advisors try to match students’ interests with competitive events. Other topics discussed at meeting include fundraising, preparation for competitive events, trip details and may arrange guest speakers and volunteer activities.

FBLA is holding a Frisbee Tournament on Friday, May 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school gym. Teams of 7 players are encouraged to sign up. The cost is $5 registration per player. If you are not interested in playing, come and watchai??i??cost is $5 entrance fee. All proceeds benefit the Twilight Wish Foundation, this yearai??i??s PA FBLA state project.