Teacher feature on Ms. Sanchez

Kevin Clark, Staff Writer

At which school in the district do you teach?

Stroudsburg Middle School.

What subject(s) do you teach?

Reading and Science. 

What grade(s) do you teach? 

5th Grade.

What’s your favorite part about teaching?

I love teaching. It is a job that allows me to see what is most beautiful in this world: children.  I see them learn and grow, and if I am lucky, I see them become incredible adults.  

One of my favorite things about teaching is the lifelong connections that have been formed between my students and myself.  I have remained pretty close to a lot of my former students.  I have attended birthdays, graduations, and I have had dinners with former students.

I also have had some interesting encounters with former students.  I was once walking in the mall when a grown man ran up to me and picked me up and spun me around.  It took me a few seconds to realize it was a former student.  

Another time, I was at the supermarket and I kept thinking that I was being followed.  After a few minutes, a young lady stopped in front of me and asked me if I was Mrs. Sanchez.  I said yes, and she proceeded to tell me that I had inspired her to pursue a career in forensics.  We have remained friends.

I have a job where I can encourage, inspire, and ignite a love of learning. If I had had to do it all over again, I would still choose to teach.