How teens can beat the early morning blues


Stephen Bauer, Staff Writer

Beep beep beep! Itai??i??s 6:45 a.m. Ai??Itai??i??s the snooze button. Overslept again — No breakfast. No shower. Barely time to brush your teeth.

This scenario is not uncommon for many high school students. Ai??The amount of time students take in the morning varies greatly.

In an informal survey done at SHS with approximately 75 students, half of the students pressed snooze 3-5 times or more, while others not at all.

ai???Fifteen minutesai??? is all junior Katie Rubino needs to prepare for school. That includes getting dressed, putting her hair up, brewing coffee, and even brushing her teeth!

Taylor Garrett describes her mornings as ai???really good,ai??? as she proceeded to list the steps she takes that help the mornings go smooth. ai???Packing lunch the night before and setting multiple alarms really helps,ai??? said Garrett.

German teacher Ms. Jennifer Malavolta turns to exercise to get her day started in the right direction.Ai??ai???It wakes me up and loosens my body up to give me energy for the day,” she said.

On a national level, the average high school student gets seven hours of sleep, though studies from Nationwide Childrenai??i??s Hospital show teens need nine hours to perform at their best. This includes mood, behavior, cognitive ability, and academic intelligence.

Below are several tips and suggestions on how to make your mornings run as smoothly as possible.Ai??

Making a schedule with times allows one to get the proper amount of sleep.

Plan out and prepare the night before.

Placing the alarm clock or phone on the other side of your room.

Exercise can also wake students or teachers up in a positive way!

Shower at night. It will save time in the morning. If you shower in the morning, make the water colder for the last 30 seconds. It will wake you up.

Picking an outfit, having sports equipment ready to go, and packing lunches the night before.

Having food able to be eaten on the way to school.Ai??Many SHS students skip the most important meal of the day: breakfast. Even something small like a banana and some water can make a huge difference.

It takes 5 to 15 minutes for a car’s engine to warm up. Go out, start the car, and then eat breakfast or finish the rest of your routine.